Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - No Future For You

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - No Future For You

I never classified myself as a geek until I started buying graphic novels... Some who know me well might think anyone who knows as much about BTVS or Angel as I do was defined as a geek many years ago, others may argue that when you start buying the watchers guides to every episode that that is the line, but to me that was all just being an enthusiast... Watching for release dates of graphic novels is something I would say is geeky, and if that's the case then its official, I am what I am...

The second volume in season 8 by Brian K Vaughan, Georges Jeanty and Joss Whedon... This installment brings all the drama of a big budget episode with all of your (or my) favourite characters, if anything it is just too hard to put it down from start to end and you are left wanting the next installment... The book keeps the characters exactly as they are, and its good to see the dark humour isn't lost to paper... Could live without the Dawn arc is season 8, they really just should have let her die at the end of season 5... All that's left to do now is wait, this is the problem with not having weekly installments...

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