Friday, August 3, 2012

Little girls and self image...

My 3 year old girl, Marley, knows that she is beautiful... Amongst other compliments (funny, smart, musical, artistic, sweet, thoughtful, caring, tidy, etc), I tell Marley that she is beautiful every day, several times a day... People say not to put a big emphasis on a child's beauty, but society does, and to be honest, I would prefer her to believe that she is beautiful then to question it...

There are stats around saying 7 year old girls are already having body image issues, this breaks my heart... I wouldn't wish this on any primary school child, it's hard enough as a teenager, woman in her 20's, or in her 30's even! Haha... I want Marley to have a firm belief on the inside that she is beautiful and the perfect body shape, for her... I have made a point of not talking about my weight/shape, around her... She doesn't need to know about how carrying two babies has left me feeling about my mid section, what she does know is that sugar is a treat, that we exercise every day to stay fit and healthy, and the day she thinks about it as a way to get skinny, or what ever the term for thin is at the time, it's going to break my heart... I know it will happen, but I just hope that by the time she twigs about all that stuff, she is happy enough with her self that she doesn't mind...

Right now my innocent little sweetheart thinks she looks like Rapunzel, her favourite Princess, and that's fine by me...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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